Dual Vocational Training

in International Housekeeping and Laundry Operations

Ensure that the heart of your operations is strong and pounds in time.


Dual Vocational Training – E-Learning and On-the-Job Training in your establishment and according to our training standards or beyond

  • Learner’s English proficiency in speaking and writing
  • Practical Training Agreement between you and the trainee
  • Training Partnership Agreement between you and us
  • Successful verification as one of our registered employer establishments (for details please contact us info@kambakucollege.com)
  • Provision of a Practical Trainer through your establishment (Required Experience: Completed 3- years dual vocational training on international standards or 3 years hospitality operations work experience in each department to train
  • Provision of a computer device with internet connection and video/picture recording device through the learner or the employer establishment

Short Programme; Minimum 9 months; depends on Practical Training Agreement


Delivery Mode:
Dual Vocational Training – E-Learning and On-the-Job Training in your establishment and according to our training standards or beyond


  • Learner’s English proficiency in speaking and writing
  • Practical Training Agreement between you and the trainee
  • Training Partnership Agreement between you and us
  • Successful verification as one of our registered employer establishments (for details please contact us info@kambakucollege.com)
  • Provision of a Practical Trainer through your establishment (Required Experience: Completed 3- years dual vocational training on international standards or 3 years hospitality operations work experience in each department to train
  • Provision of a computer device with internet connection and video/picture recording device through the learner or the employer establishment

Short Programme; Minimum 9 months; depends on Practical Training Agreement

Learning Hours:

  • Average Learning Time Theory 200 hrs excl. recap & exam preparations
  • Minimum Learning Time Practical 1.350 hrs excl. assessment period

Dual Vocational Certificate of Achievement for International Housekeeping and Laundry Operations by Kambaku Hospitality College and Mainporter Vocational Online College of Hospitality


Ensure that the heart of your operations is strong and pounds in time.

The housekeeping and laundry department is often overlooked and operated with the option ‘Everybody can clean. Just give them a broom, some dusters and chemicals.’. But did you know, that in many countries which are famous for exceptional hospitality service, the manager of the housekeeping department has a higher position than the manager of the reception or even the entire front office? Why? The answer is simple: Because housekeeping is not only about cleaning. Guests come to a hotel to sleep … and who is responsible to make the guests feel comfortable in their rooms and to take care of all the little details which make the guests feel home away from home? Exactly, it is the housekeeping team – the heart of each hospitality establishment.

The Art of Hospitality stands for customer care, emotional excellence and exceptional guest service at all times. Even if housekeeping and laundry employees are not in guest contact most of the time, it is their job which enables all your other departments to perform at their best.

We prepare your learner for a career in this multi-cultural, interesting, challenging and behind the scenes department with extensive practical skills, an eye for all those little details that make the guest feel at home as well as theoretical knowledge.

Besides the training in all housekeeping and laundry operations, your learner is trained in all core and related skills required to work in the industry.

After completing this short-programme, your employee will be able to perform all non-managerial tasks in the housekeeping and laundry department or you can develop him/her into a supervisor, trainer or manager with experience and additional training.

With your assistance, our programme’s practical and international orientation develops your leaner into a highly practically skilled hospitality professional on international standards.

Our tutors have many years of international hospitality expertise in all non-managerial and managerial areas and are eager to pass on their knowledge and skills to the learner and your trainer.

In addition, your company and your trainer profit from practical training instructions and assignments, adaptable standard operating procedure templates and other operational templates meeting international hospitality standards which can also be utilised for daily housekeeping and laundry operations without training.


  1. Module (simultaneous to all other modules): Foreign Language German
  2. Module: Core Module:
    • Workplace Health, Safety & Hygiene
    • The Hospitality Industry
    • Work Organisation
    • Customer Care
    • Resource and Waste Responsibility
    • Business Communication
  1. Module: Culture
  2. Module: Housekeeping & Laundry Operations


To ensure the full commitment of our training partners, we charge our employer establishments with the tuition fees. It is up to your discretion, to charge a share of the tuition fees to the learners as agreed to in the Practical Training Agreement.

The tuition fees of the programme depend on the chosen cost model type in the Training Partnership Agreement and the amount of learners enrolled with us for any programme:


You learner does not need a specific entry qualification to become part of the Mainporter Community!

What you need to do to register one of your employees for this programme:

This dual vocational programme combines practical non-simulated training in the real work environment with theoretical training. Therefore, you need to employ the leaner as an apprentice, have a qualified person to train the learner practically, adhere to our quality assurance and fair labour practices, and you must be able and willing to train the learner for minimum 9 months according to our standards. Whilst we do not have specific admission requirements besides the proficiency in English, you can set up your own employment criteria which ensure that the apprentice meets your expectations, fits into your team and into your company culture.



To become one of our registered employer establishments you must provide a trainer and your facilities must include guest rooms and offer housekeeping and laundry services. If you do not have one of our mandatory required machines, or you do not offer a laundry service because you send your laundry to an external company, you must find a company which enters an off-site training agreement with you.

For example, if you are a guesthouse which offers guest rooms with daily housekeeping service and laundry facilities you can become one of our registered employer establishments if you meet our other requirements. If you do not own a single disk rotation machine for cleaning, you must enter an off-site training agreement with another establishment nearby, which trains your learner in the preparation, usage and cleaning of the machine according to our standards and which allows for practical assessment of the task in the company. If you do not process your laundry inhouse, you must enter an off-site training agreement with another establishment nearby in which your learner spends his/her 4 months practical training. The other establishment must train your learner according to our standards and allow for practical assessment in all laundry tasks in the company.

Contact us via email (info@kambakucollege.com) to receive the entire criteria which will be audited in a verification visit before we enter a Training Partnership Agreement. They include quality assurance measures, provision of a qualified person as your trainer, access to a computer for training, fair labour practices, occupational health & safety requirements, mandatory products and equipment available for training, mandatory facilities and services offered, and other specific requirements that ensure quality training.


Prepare the evidence required for registration. You receive support from one of our team members who answers questions, provides clarification and/or evaluates if alternative solutions meet the criteria.

Whilst the preparation might be a bit time consuming for a short period of time, it ensures that all our employer establishments are able to provide the same quality standards for training and might also add general improvement to the quality management of your hospitality operations in general.

If you want to offer our qualification to learners not yet employed by your company, you should start with the recruitment and selection process at the same time. Our team can assist you with a list of candidates which applied directly at our college and look for an employer establishment.


Once you have collected all evidence to meet our registration criteria, we conduct a verification visit and enter the Training Partnership Agreement with you.


Enter a Practical Training Agreement with each of your learners and submit it to us together with the learner enrolment data. We then provide you with a Training Agreement for your learner. As the leaner enters the Practical Training Agreement with your establishment and you invest in him/her, you define the terms of your apprenticeship employment within our framework. For example, the weekly schedule, vacation planning, mandatory hours of theory per week, departmental rotation, allowance, learner’s share of tuition fees, etc. lay within your discretion.
The Training Partnership Agreement, Practical Training Agreement and Training Agreement are all interrelated which means that all are required for the learner to be and remain registered for our programme.


After we received the required payment, we provide you with the Mainporter Campus log in data for the learner, the trainer(s) and yourself. Your trainer is ready to prepare and conduct the practical training and the learner is ready to start his/her learning experience.


Once per year we conduct a yearly verification on-site or online to ensure consistent quality of training.


After successful completion of this programme your employee is a skilled housekeeping and laundry professional.

He/she can be assigned as room attendant, public area attendant, laundry attendant, laundry runner, any other non-managerial position related to housekeeping and laundry operations.

As he/she completed our programme, you can assign the employee as the practical trainer in housekeeping and/or laundry for future learners in one of our programmes.

Alternatively, you can develop him/her into the next higher position.

Do you have questions?

We take the time to advise you in detail to find the ideal solution for your request and support you on your way to your training.

Hi I'm

Iris Neumann

MD & Co-Founder

Hospitality College